Fine, I'l Blog — & Here's Why.

Hey friends! I have considered blogging for years, but never made the decision to go for it because it seems kind of daunting to me. Not to mention pretty time consuming — but after 8 years of having my own business, I’m just gonna do it. I think in my head, I felt super stubborn and didn’t want to “give in” to the process of blogging. But after thinking and evaluating, I realized I just created that wall for myself and I am ready to break it down. Woooo!

I believe this will help display a more up-to-date and realistic look on what and how I shoot. Instagram is definitely more of a highlight reel, and I want to show more variety of what it is I shoot and how a day in the life goes. I think from a clients perspective, it helps to see a display of an entire day of photography to get a real feel for how I work as a photographer. I will blog each wedding, as well as other things — not gonna promise I’ll blog every session, but I’m gonna do my best. I’ll add some personal things in here every once in a while, too :)

This is a way vulnerable thing for me, but what better time to do somethin’ scary than now. Afterall, it is Friday the 13th with a full moon for the first time in thirteen years. Heck yeah!

So here’s to a super short and simple first blog post, with a wedding coming atcha real soon. And here’s a couple phone photos from our recent vacation because a blog post just wouldn’t be complete without some pictures. Maybe I’ll even do a full blog post on our vacation with recommendations and photos and other stuff, mostly just so I can archive it somewhere other than a hard drive and phone note pad.

As always, please feel free to ask any questions.



Patrick and I on our last day in Barcelona, drinking beers on a sailboat.

Patrick and I on our last day in Barcelona, drinking beers on a sailboat.

Why do I like alleys so much?

Why do I like alleys so much?

If I lived in Barcelona, I would 100% get a scooter.

If I lived in Barcelona, I would 100% get a scooter.

Charcuterie board of my freaking dreams in Lisbon.

Charcuterie board of my freaking dreams in Lisbon.